Chapter 5 Cleric

The Cleric

The lands of Dungeon World are a gods-forsaken mess. They’re lousy with the walking dead, beasts of all sorts, and the vast unnatural spaces between safe and temple-blessed civilizations. It is a godless world out there. That’s why it needs you.

Bringing the glory of your god to the heathens isn’t just in your nature—it’s your calling. It falls to you to proselytize with sword and mace and spell. To cleave deep into the witless heart of the wilds and plant the seed of divinity there. Some say that it is best to keep god close to your heart. You know that’s rubbish. God lives at the edge of a blade. Show the world who is lord.


Dwarf: Durga, Aelfar, Gerda, Rurgosh, Bjorn, Drummond, Helga, Siggrun, Freya

Human: Wesley, Brinton, Jon, Sara, Hawthorn, Elise, Clarke, Lenore, Piotr, Dahlia, Carmine


Choose one for each:

Kind Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Sad Eyes

Tonsure, Strange Hair, or Bald

Flowing Robes, Habit, or Common Garb

Thin Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body


Assign these scores to your stats:

17 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 11 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)

You start with 8+Constitution HP.

Your base damage is d6.

Starting Moves

Choose a racial move:


You are one with stone. When you Commune you are also granted a special version of Words of the Unspeaking which only works on stone as a Rote.


Your faith is diverse. Choose one Wizard spell. You can cast and be granted that spell as if it was a Cleric spell.

You start with these moves:


You serve and worship some deity or power which grants you spells. Give your god a name (maybe Helferth, Sucellus, or Zorica) and choose your deity’s domain:

  • Healing and Restoration
  • Bloody Conquest
  • Civilization
  • Knowledge and Hidden Things
  • The Downtrodden and Forgotten
  • What Lies Beneath

Choose one precept of your religion:

  • Your religion preaches the sanctity of suffering, add Petition: Suffering
  • Your religion is cultish and insular, add Petition: Gaining Secrets
  • Your religion has important sacrificial rites, add Petition: Offering
  • Your religion believes in trial by combat, add Petition: Personal Victory
Divine Guidance

When you fulfill your religion’s petition your deity grants you some useful knowledge or boon related to their domain. The GM will tell you what.

Turn Undead

When you hold your holy symbol aloft and pray aloud for protection, roll+Wis. On a hit so long as you continue to pray and brandish your holy symbol no undead may come within reach of you. On a 10+ intelligent undead are momentarily dazed by the radiance of your god and mindless undead flee. If you move aggressively towards an undead creature while Turning them it breaks the effects and they are able to act as normal. Intelligent undead, vampires and so on, may still find ways to harry you from afar. They're clever like that.


When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet communion with your deity, you lose any spells already granted to you and are granted new spells of your choice whose total levels don't exceed your own+1. You also prepare your rotes; they don't count against your limit. You can't prepare spells that are higher level than you.

Cast a Spell

When you unleash a spell granted to you by your deity, roll+Wis. On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and your deity does not revoke the spell, so you may cast it again. On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but choose one:

  • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot (the GM will describe it).
  • Your casting distances you from your deity—take -1 ongoing to Cast a Spell until you Commune.
  • After you cast it, the spell is revoked by your deity. You cannot cast the spell again until you Commune and have it granted to you.


Choose an alignment:


Endanger yourself to heal another


Endanger yourself following the precepts of your church or god


Harm another to prove the superiority of your church or god


Your Load is 7+Str. You carry dungeon rations (1 weight, 5 uses) and some symbol of the divine, describe it (weight 0). Choose your defenses:

Choose your armament:

Choose one:


Fill in the name of one of your companions in at least one:

_______________ has insulted my deity; I do not trust them.

_______________ is a good and faithful person; I trust them implicitly.

_______________ is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.

I am working on converting _______________ to my faith.

Advanced Moves

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.

Chosen One

Choose one spell. You are granted that spell as if it was one level lower.


When you heal someone they take +2 damage forward.

The Scales of Life and Death

When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence they take +1 to the roll.


You are able to divide your power effectively. When you cast a spell you ignore the first -1 penalty from ongoing spells.

First Aid

Cure Light Wounds does not count against your limit of granted spells.

Divine Intervention

When you Commune you get 1 hold and lose any hold you already had. Spend that hold when you or an ally takes damage to call on your deity, they intervene in an appropriate idiom (a sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and negate the damage.


When you take damage and embrace the pain, you may take +1d4 damage (ignoring armor). If you do, take +1 forward to Cast a Spell.


When you Cast a Spell, on a 10+ you have the option of choosing from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well:

  • The spell’s effects are doubled
  • The spell’s targets are doubled
Orison for Guidance

When you sacrifice something of value to your deity and pray for guidance your deity tells you what it would have you do. If you do it, mark experience.

Divine Protection

When you wear no armor or shield you get 2 armor.

Devoted Healer

When you heal someone else of damage, heal +your level damage.

When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-5 moves.


Requires: Chosen One

Choose one spell. You are granted that spell as if it was one level lower.


Requires: Inquisitor

When you do damage with a spell, you deal +1d4 damage.


When you take time after a conflict to dedicate your victory to your deity and deal with the dead, take +1 forward.


Replaces: Serenity

You ignore the -1 penalty from two spells you maintain.

Greater First Aid

Requires: First Aid

Cure Moderate Wounds does not count against your limit of granted spells.

Divine Invincibility

Replaces: Divine Intervention

When you Commune you get 2 hold and lose any hold you already had. Spend that hold when you or an ally takes damage to call on your deity, they intervene in an appropriate idiom (a sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and negate the damage.


Replaces: Penitent

When you take damage and embrace the pain, you may take +1d4 damage (ignoring armor). If you do, take +1 forward to Cast a Spell and add your level to any damage done or healed by the spell.

Divine Armor

Replaces: Divine Protection

When you wear no armor or shield you get 3 armor.

Greater Empower

Replaces: Empower

When you Cast a Spell, on a 10-11 you have the option of choosing from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well. On a 12+ you get to choose one of these effects for free.

  • The spell’s effects are doubled
  • The spell’s targets are doubled
Multiclass Dabbler

Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.